Wild soul I anima selvaggia I Ticino, Switzerland

28 May - 1 June, 2025

It’s time to breathe, soften and receive sister….are you ready to take your place at the table of your own wild, wondrous life?

Join me for a transformative 5 day journey to sun-drenched Ticino, Switzerland, to nourish and nurture your wild soul and reclaim your radiance.

Donna’s wisdom, inspired teaching, wit and sparkle creates a magical atmosphere. I felt free, glorious, strong, seen and held.
— Shahina, Lebanon

putting yourself first is the most unselfish thing you can do today

WELCOME sister

I’m Donna and I’m your ride or die wellbeing bestie and I promise you, I’ve been there woman!  Hell, I was that woman working my ass off ‘for the team’ watching myself be replaced by an unqualified man-boss. After years of telling people not to worry because we can all sleep when we’re dead, it took a serious threat to my own life 10 years ago and the real time truth that we never know how many days we have on earth, to make me prioritize myself, to flip the script and understand that nourishing myself is actually an act of service for everyone and everything I love.

So WELCOME! To this tribe of perfectly imperfect humans. Here we are goddess warriors, change makers and revolutionaries who are fiercely inclusive, creating abundant and sustainable health, peace and justice for people and the planet.  

Tired of being last on your own to do list?  Wondering if you’ll ever find time to be the woman you love, go on that retreat or feel worthy just being alive? You know that you were put on this earth to make a difference sister and the world needs you in tip top shape - body, mind and spirit!

I’m your guide to making sure you feel alive, in love with life and the people and world around you, creating the impact you desire. As a Sport Scientist, Yoga Teacher, Ayurveda Professional, Mentor, Coach long time Blogger, Dog Mama, Trail Runner, Mountain Lover and Heartfelt Humanitarian (we are complex, beautiful beings right?!), I’m your one-stop shop to make sure this wild and precious life of yours feels exactly that.

Book a free mentorship chat

how to make every moment worth living right now

That was the most beautiful, amazing and relaxing yoga session I have ever attended. I feel totally nourished now. Thank you so much and I can’t wait for the next class.
— Claudia, France

Emergencyoga was born out of years of practicing yoga in some of the most challenging  and most beautiful places on earth.


At Emergencyoga you come as you are, you do you, and together we create a beautiful and safe space where we leave perfection at the door and embrace ourselves and each other in whichever moment we are in. 

We do our yoga on the mat and then we take it out into the world so that our health and wellbeing vibrates beyond the studio and positively impacts the lives of those around us and the planet we live upon.   

At Emergencyoga time slows down, space magically appears, breathing becomes your road to healing and sanity and before you know it you’re feeling totally reconnected to your body, mind and spirit.  You feel like the most real version of yourself surrounded by a deep sense of acceptance and belonging. 

I’m Donna, founder of Emergencyoga and I’m so glad we’ve found each other!

From Palestine to rural Nepal, from Sudan to Pakistan, from the Maldives to Sri Lanka and Switzerland I practice yoga wherever I go and share that practice with whoever is ready and willing to join me. And this practice has continued to make me feel awesome, amazing, alive, peaceful and connected to both the people around me and the planet I walk upon.

I’m driven to create more peace in the hearts of all I cross paths with but especially those I share my practice with, in the hope that this group of individuals will eventually create a more collective and global peace within and for the world.

Deeply influenced by the wonder and awe of mother nature and planet earth and my teachers Eoin Finn and Bryan Kest, I've created emergencyoga as a yoga experience that supports you to develop your own prana and life force in your very own unique way.

Inspired by the world around me and a huge sense of joy and fun, my emergencyoga classes, retreats and workshops are aligned with the flow of mother nature, respect for the planet and our uniqueness and will leave you feeling in love with life, yourself and the world around you.


Donna Williams (me!), Founder of emergencyoga

And why I consider yoga a practice :-)

And why I consider yoga a practice :-)


MY Mission

I believe in creating world peace, one love at a time and I do this through the practice of yoga.

Through yoga, especially a practice that encompasses a deep connection to mother nature, each of us has the possibility to create a greater level of peace and love in our own hearts.  When we do that we are able to share that love and that sense of peace, calm and well-being with others and contribute to the collective peace, for the people and for the planet.

In my teaching I practice a healthy respect for you, founded in the belief that each of us are unique with our own specific set of needs, wishes and desires including those that relate to our yoga.  This translates into making sure that you are in charge of your yoga and how you practice it.  All teachers at emergencyoga act as guides, using their experience and training in the best way possible yet leaving the decisions about your practice up to you.

Yoga by the lake, in Geneva filming Bryan Kest’s Brahma Flow

Yoga by the lake, in Geneva filming Bryan Kest’s Brahma Flow

Donation based roof top yoga at ICRC, Sri Lanka

Donation based roof top yoga at ICRC, Sri Lanka