ABOUT emergencyoga


Emergencyoga was born out of years of practicing yoga in some of the most challenging  and most beautiful places on earth.  From Palestine to rural Nepal, from Sudan to Pakistan, from the Maldives to Sri Lanka and Switzerland I practice yoga wherever I go and share that practice with whoever is ready and willing to join me.

And this practice has continued to make me feel awesome, amazing, alive, peaceful and connected to both the people around me and the planet I walk upon.

Deeply disturbed and saddened by the continuous violence around us both individual and collective, I decided to use my humanitarian experience, my Degrees in Health Science and Peace and Reconciliation and my love and practice of yoga to found Emergencyoga and create a more peaceful world one love at a time.

My motivation is to create more peace in the hearts of all I cross paths with but especially those I share my practice with, in the hope that this group of individuals will eventually create a more collective and global peace across the world.

Deeply influenced by the wonder and awe of mother nature and planet earth and my teachers Eoin Finn and Bryan Kest, I've created Emergencyoga as a yoga experience that supports people, especially humanitarians to develop their own prana and life force in their very own unique way.

Inspired by the world around me and a huge sense of joy and fun, my Emergencyoga classes, retreats and workshops are aligned with the flow of mother nature and will leave you feeling in love with life, yourself and the world around you.